Special auction of early Seforim, Rare Kabbalah & Chassidut, Copies of Gedolei Yisroel, Slavita & Zhitomir, Manuscripts & letters, Silver.

Lot #2
The First Sefer Composed after the Talmud: She'iltot DeRav Achai Gaon. Venice 1546. First Edition. Printed by Daniel Bomberg.
The First Sefer Composed after the Talmud: She'iltot DeRav Achai Gaon. Venice 1546. First Edition. Printed by Daniel Bomberg.
Very likely the first Sefer written after the Talmud. Compiled by R' Achai Gaon. One of the first Seforim of Halacha.
Estimated price

Lot #9
Nachalat Yaakov, Responsa of the Shelah, the Levushim and Italian Torah Scholars, with the Approbation of the Shelah - Padua 1622-1623. Only Edition.
Nachalat Yaakov, Responsa of the Shelah, the Levushim and Italian Torah Scholars, with the Approbation of the Shelah - Padua 1622-1623. Only Edition.
Sefer Nachalat Yaakov, collection of responsa pertaining to monetary matters and Issur VeHeter, compiled by Rabbi Yehoshua Yaakov Heilprin.
Estimated price

Lot #10
Pnei Rabba - Amsterdam 1628 - One of the First Books Printed by Menasseh ben Israel - Signature of Rabbi Abraham Abulafia.
Pnei Rabba - Amsterdam 1628 - One of the First Books Printed by Menasseh ben Israel - Signature of Rabbi Abraham Abulafia.
Sefer Pnei Rabba, index of verses in Midrash Rabba (Part I - Torah, Part II - Five Megillot), with a concise index of topics discussed in Midrash Rabba on the Five Megillot.
Estimated price

Lot #11
Drishah U’Prishah on Even Haezer. First Edition. Lublin, 1638. Rare Classic! - Signature & glosses of The Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Itzik Grishaber Ab''d Paks.
Drishah U’Prishah on Even Haezer. First Edition. Lublin, 1638. Rare Classic! - Signature & glosses of The Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Itzik Grishaber Ab''d Paks.
Sefer Tur-Even Haezer with Sefer Drishah U’Prishah by Harav Yehoshua Falk Katz, author of the Sm”a. Renowned to many by the name of his magnum opus, the Sm”a was a disciple of the Rema and Maharshal. He authored one of the most fundamental commentaries on the Tur, a work referenced extensively throughout centuries of halachic works.
Estimated price

Lot #12
Tikkunei HaZohar, First Edition. Mantua, 1558. Full of Handwritten Kabbalistic Glosses in the Holy hand of the Kabbalist Rabbi Menachem de Lonzano.
Tikkunei HaZohar, First Edition. Mantua, 1558. Full of Handwritten Kabbalistic Glosses in the Holy hand of the Kabbalist Rabbi Menachem de Lonzano.
Tikunei HaZohar, written by the Tana Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai.
Estimated price

Lot #13
Kaballah: HaNephesh HaChochmah, Basle 1608. First Very Rare Edition.
Kaballah: HaNephesh HaChochmah, Basle 1608. First Very Rare Edition.
Vzot Hasefer HaNephesh HaChochmah [Kabbalistic Discourses On The Fate Awaiting The Soul After Death And The Mystical Significance Of The Precepts]. Also Includes Commentaries By Rabbi Moses De Leon And Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla To The Passover Hagadah.
Estimated price

Lot #14
Emek HaMelech. Kabbalistic Polemic. First Published Sefer of the Arizal’s Kabbalah Teachings. Amsterdam, 1648. First Edition. Important Rabbinic Signatures. Sefer Yesod. Rare!
Emek HaMelech. Kabbalistic Polemic. First Published Sefer of the Arizal’s Kabbalah Teachings. Amsterdam, 1648. First Edition. Important Rabbinic Signatures. Sefer Yesod. Rare!
Sefer Emek HaMelech is a fundamental Kabbalah Sefer, authored by Rabbi Naphtali Hertz Bachrach of Frankfurt.
Estimated price

Lot #15
Nishmas Chaim, Menasseh Ben Israel, Amsterdam 1651, Fine Copy with Original Parchment Binding.
Nishmas Chaim, Menasseh Ben Israel, Amsterdam 1651, Fine Copy with Original Parchment Binding.
Sefer Nishmas Chaim. About the soul, the Jewish soul, life after death, reincarnation, and resurrection, by Rabbi Menashe ben Yisrael.
Estimated price

Lot #16
Kabbala, Rare and sanctified! "Megaleh Amukos" by the Gaon Rabbi Natan Note Shapiro the Rav of Krakow. Second edition. Furth, 1691.
Kabbala, Rare and sanctified! "Megaleh Amukos" by the Gaon Rabbi Natan Note Shapiro the Rav of Krakow. Second edition. Furth, 1691.
The holy Sefer 'Megaleh Amukos' authored by the Holy Gaon Rabbi Natan Note Shapiro the renowned Rav of Krakow. The Sefer was accepted lovingly all over the Jewish world as a basic and central holy Sefer.
Estimated price

Lot #17
Sefer Karnayim with Dan Yadin Commentary by Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropoli- Copy of the Holy Kabbalist Rabbi Nosson Adler with his notations. First Edition. Zolkova 1709. Very Rare!
Sefer Karnayim with Dan Yadin Commentary by Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropoli- Copy of the Holy Kabbalist Rabbi Nosson Adler with his notations. First Edition. Zolkova 1709. Very Rare!
Sefer Karnaim an ancient kabbalistic work with Dan Yadin commentary by Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropoli. Includes also Likutei Shoshanim, a collection of writings by Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropoli.
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Lot #18
Signature of Rabbi Shalom Mizrachi Sharabi – The Holy Rashash.
Signature of Rabbi Shalom Mizrachi Sharabi – The Holy Rashash.
Sefer Shiva Enayim: the Ramban's innovations on Perek Zeh Borer and Tractate Makos, Sefer HaZchus on Hasagos HaRavad on the Rif (Tractate Yevamos, Ktubos, Gittin) and Shut Mahari Abohav, Mahari de Leon, Rabbeinu NissiM Benvinisti and Rabbeinu Yitzchak ben Zaiat.
Estimated price

Lot #22
Set Zohar – Korets, 1778- Printed by holy disciples of the Maggid of Mezeritch- Polonne 1794. Approbations of the Holy Rebbe Zushe of Anipoli. Extremely Rare!
Set Zohar – Korets, 1778- Printed by holy disciples of the Maggid of Mezeritch- Polonne 1794. Approbations of the Holy Rebbe Zushe of Anipoli. Extremely Rare!
The present edition of the Zohar was printed by a few of the greatest Chasidut figures: Rebbi Shlomo from Lutsk and Rebbi Shimon Ashkenazi, disciples of the Maggid of Mezeritch.
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Lot #23
Segulah Sefer: Shaar HaYichudim Vtikun Avonot, First Edition, Koretz, 1783. Very Rare!
Segulah Sefer: Shaar HaYichudim Vtikun Avonot, First Edition, Koretz, 1783. Very Rare!
Sefer Shaar HaYichudim - Shaar Hayichudim and Tikkun Avonos are the third and fourth units in Pri Eitz Chaim which was written by the holy kabbalist Rabbi Meir Papirash based on manuscripts of Rabbi Chaim Vital.
Estimated price
Special auction of early Seforim, Rare Kabbalah & Chassidut, Copies of Gedolei Yisroel, Slavita & Zhitomir, Manuscripts & letters, Silver.