Tefillat Yesharim – siddur per the Sephardic custom, with prayers by the Ar"i z"l and everyday laws, explanations of the foreign words, Chassidic techinot and bakashot, as well as prayers for festivals, fasts and high holidays, with the relevant parshiyot and haftarot. Poems with commentary, azharot Shavuot, Pirkei Avot, Tikkun Chatzot, Hatarat Nedarim and Mesirat Moda’a.

Venice, 1775. Printed at Bragadin Press, and the Puah family’s emblem appears on the title page. 

Thick Kabbalistic siddur for the entire year – weekdays, Shabbat, festivals and high holidays, with the prayers for fasts and for Tisha B’Av, the haftarah for Tisha B’Av accompanied by a Ladino translation. With many tikkunim from the Ar"i and his disciples: Tikkun Chatzot, Tikkunei Shabbat; Tikkunei Shalosh Regalim and others.

The last [20] leaves feature various plates arranged by Rabbi David Meldola, with tables.

Ya’ari, Sifrei Ladino 169.

291 [should say 292], [20] leaf, mispaginated. 17.3 Cm.

Good Condition, stains, gold fore-edge, antique binding partly detached.

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Lot #26

(ladino) Siddur with Kavvanot HaAr"i. Venice 1775.

Start price: $180

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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