Chassidut, Letters, Chasam Sofer, Holy objects, Art & Silver.

Lot #10
Tola'as Yaakov - Kabbalah.
Bohuslav, 1820.
Tola'as Yaakov - Kabbalah.
Bohuslav, 1820.
Kabbalistic commentary to prayer, by R. Meir ibn Gabbai (1480-1540s), a Spanish exile. This work provides a comprehensive summation of kabbalah as it existed prior to its flowering in Tzefas.
Estimated price

Lot #13
Or HaChochma - Łaszczów, 1815 - First Edition - Segulah for Easy Birth - Two Parts in Two Volumes
Or HaChochma - Łaszczów, 1815 - First Edition - Segulah for Easy Birth - Two Parts in Two Volumes Chassidic and kabbalistic essays on the Torah, by the kabbalist R. Uri Feivel of Krisnipoli (Chervonograd) and Dubienka
Estimated price
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