Sefer Shut HaRadbaz, II, by the Gaon Rabbi David ibn Zimra. Venice, 1749. First edition.

[2], 88 leaves. Approbations by the rabbis of Jerusalem and Livorno and the rabbis of the Yeshiva of Venice.

Bound with :Part III: Furth, 1781. [1], 58, 41-46, [2] leaves.

Signature on the title page of the Gaon Harav Tebeli Hess — Av Beis Din of Mannheim.

Underneath a antique signature: Samuel son of Binyamin Bunim of H…

Underneath the signature of the Gaon Rabbi Zalman Fuerst 
(1799-1870) Rabbi of Heidelberg.

Please see Hebrew description for biographical information.

The author Rabbi Davin bar Shlomo ibn Zimra (1479-1573) one of the greatest Poskim of the exiles from Spain. In 1513, after being exiled from Spain, he immigrated to Egypt, where he served as Av Beis Din, Rosh Yeshiva and the leader of Egyptian Jewry. Rabbi Bezalel Ashkenazi author of the Shita mekubetzed and the Ari were his disciples in Egypt. After approx. forty years, he immigrated to Eretz Yisroel, where he served as the Rav of Safed. Author of Shut and commentary on Hilchos HaRambam.

Good condition, stains, later detached binding.

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Lot #20

Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Tebeli Hess of Mannheim- Rabbi Zalman Fuerst of Heidelberg. Shut HaRadbaz, II, First Edition, Venice 1749.

Start price: $180

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