Rare & Special items! Early Seforim, Kabbalah, Slavita & Zhitomir, Chassidut, Manuscripts, Chabad, French Judaica, Ceremonial objects & Silver.

Lot #2
Masoret HaMasoret - Tuv Ta'am - By Rabbi Eliyahu Bachur - Basel, 1539
Masoret HaMasoret - Tuv Ta'am - By Rabbi Eliyahu Bachur - Basel, 1539
Sefer Masoret HaMasoret, regarding grammar and Mesorah (study of the exact traditional text of the Bible), by Rabbi Eliyahu the grammarian.
Estimated price

Lot #6
Classic. Sefer Mitzvot Gadol-Sma"g - by Rabbi Moshe of Kotzi -" The Prince of Kutzi" - Venice 1574.
Classic. Sefer Mitzvot Gadol-Sma"g - by Rabbi Moshe of Kotzi -" The Prince of Kutzi" - Venice 1574.
Sefer Mitzvot Gadol (Sm"g). Piskei Halachot by Rabbi Moshe of Couci. Arranged according to the 613 mitzvoth.
Estimated price

Lot #7
Chazut Kashah (by Rabbi Yitzchak Arama) – First Edition – Sabbioneta 1551. With the Very Rare index pages.
Chazut Kashah (by Rabbi Yitzchak Arama) – First Edition – Sabbioneta 1551. With the Very Rare index pages.
Sefer Chazut Kashah, on the fundamentals of faith and the attitude to philosophy, by Rabbi Yitzchak Arama – the Baal HaAkedah.
Estimated price

Lot #8
Or Einayim, Cremona, 1557. Rare.
Or Einayim, Cremona, 1557. Rare.
Sefer Or Einayim, on the topic of Mashiach and the Final Redemption “The superiority of Israel and all the goodness in store for the future. With many clarifications on matters of our holy Torah”. By Rabbi Shlomo son of Avraham Peniel.
Estimated price

Lot #10
Shvilei Emunah. Riva di Trento, 1559. First Edition. Antique marginalia & many antique signatures.
Shvilei Emunah. Riva di Trento, 1559. First Edition. Antique marginalia & many antique signatures.
Sefer “Shvilei Emunah.” Faith, philosophy and wisdom by Rabbi Meir Aldabi.
Estimated price

Lot #11
Toaliyot HaRalbag, First Edition, Riva de Trento 1560 – Signature & manuscript of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Berachiah Sangoiti of Vercelli, disciple of the Holy Rabbi Shimshon Nachmani the 'Zera Shimshon'.
Toaliyot HaRalbag, First Edition, Riva de Trento 1560 – Signature & manuscript of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Berachiah Sangoiti of Vercelli, disciple of the Holy Rabbi Shimshon Nachmani the 'Zera Shimshon'.
Sefer Toaliyot HaRalbag, in the order of the five books of the Torah and Neviim Rishonim, by Rabbi Levi son of Gershon.
Estimated price

Lot #17
Sefer Yuchsin, Kraków, 1580. First Edition with Hagahot HaRam"a. Signatures & glosses of the Karmi family.
Sefer Yuchsin, Kraków, 1580. First Edition with Hagahot HaRam"a. Signatures & glosses of the Karmi family.
Sefer Yuchsin V'Korot am Yisrael by Rabbi Avraham Zakut, with glosses and additions by Rabbi Moshe Isserlis - the Ram"a.
Estimated price

Lot #18
Kabbala: Taamei HaMitzvot by Rabbi Menachem Recanati - Basel 1581 - "Whoever Studies it Will Merit the Salvation of Redemption". Antique marginalia & signatures.
Kabbala: Taamei HaMitzvot by Rabbi Menachem Recanati - Basel 1581 - "Whoever Studies it Will Merit the Salvation of Redemption". Antique marginalia & signatures.
Sefer Taamei HaMitzvot, reasons of the Torah commandments, kabbalistic commentary on Kriyat Shema and prayer kavanot, by the kabbalist Rabbi Menachem Recanati. With introduction by the publisher, Rabbi Yitzchak b. Rabbi Eliyahu, and another introduction by Rabbi Yaakov b. Rabbi Yitzchak Luzzatto.
Estimated price

Lot #19
Kabbala: Commentary on the Order of the Yom Kippur Service by the RaMak. Venice 1587. First Edition.
Kabbala: Commentary on the Order of the Yom Kippur Service by the RaMak. Venice 1587. First Edition.
Commentary on the Seder HaYom recited on Yom Kippur from Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, published by his son, Rabbi Gedalya Cordovero "in a small volume so that it should be possible to attach it at the end of the siddur."
Estimated price

Lot #20
Mincha Belula - Verona 1594 - Coat-of-arms of the Rappaport Family- Signatures of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Chaim Adadi of Tripoli. Only Edition.
Mincha Belula - Verona 1594 - Coat-of-arms of the Rappaport Family- Signatures of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Chaim Adadi of Tripoli. Only Edition.
Sefer Mincha Belula. Commentary on Chamisha Chumshei Torah by Rabi Avraham Menachem Hacohen Rafeh from Porto [Rapaport[.
Estimated price

Lot #21
Shaarei Dura, First Edition with the Glosses of the Maharshal - Basel 1599 - Edition of Rabbi Eliyahu Baal Shem of Worms- Signature of Rabbi Yaakov Koppel Schonungen Dayan of the District of Würzburg.
Shaarei Dura, First Edition with the Glosses of the Maharshal - Basel 1599 - Edition of Rabbi Eliyahu Baal Shem of Worms- Signature of Rabbi Yaakov Koppel Schonungen Dayan of the District of Würzburg.
"Open the gates and the righteous nation shall enter", Sefer Shaarei Dura, halachic rulings on the laws of kashrut, by Rabbi Yitzchak HaLevi of Dura (Düren), with the commentary and glosses of Rabbi Shlomo Luria (the Maharshal).
Estimated price

Lot #22
MeHarerei Nemerim – Venice, 1599. First Edition.
MeHarerei Nemerim – Venice, 1599. First Edition.
Sefer MeHarerei Nemerim, Talmudical guidelines and the Midah of Kal Vachomer, by Rabbi Emanuel HaSephardi, the Radbaz, Rabbi Shmuel Elbalnasi, Rabbi Moshe Ibn Musa; with novellae and commentaries on Talmudic treatises by the Ramban, the Maharam of Gornish, Rabbi Avraham di Boton and Rabbi Ya'akov Beirav. Compiled by Rabbi Avraham Akara.
Estimated price

Lot #23
Machzor Hadrat Kodesh according to the Ashkenazic Custom – with the Pardes Commentary – Two Parts – Venice 1599-1600.
Machzor Hadrat Kodesh according to the Ashkenazic Custom – with the Pardes Commentary – Two Parts – Venice 1599-1600.
Machzor 'Hadrat Kodesh' according to the Ashkenazic custom of Italy, with Remez, Drash and Sod (Pardes) commentary.
Estimated price

Lot #24
Machzor Hadrat Kodesh according to the Ashkenazic Custom – with the Pardes Commentary –Part 2 – Venice 1600 – Signatures & marginalia.
Machzor Hadrat Kodesh according to the Ashkenazic Custom – with the Pardes Commentary –Part 2 – Venice 1600 – Signatures & marginalia.
Machzor 'Hadrat Kodesh' according to the Ashkenazic custom of Italy, with Remez, Drash and Sod (Pardes) commentary.
Estimated price
Rare & Special items! Early Seforim, Kabbalah, Slavita & Zhitomir, Chassidut, Manuscripts, Chabad, French Judaica, Ceremonial objects & Silver.